PassLeader just published the NEWEST Fortinet NSE5 exam dumps! And, PassLeader offer two types of the NSE5 dumps — NSE5 VCE dumps and NSE5 PDF dumps, both VCE and PDF contain the NEWEST NSE5 exam questions, they will help you PASSING the Fortinet NSE5 exam easily! Now, get the NEWEST NSE5 dumps in VCE and PDF from PassLeader — (320 Q&As Dumps)
What’s more, part of that PassLeader NSE5 dumps now are free —
An administrator logs into a FortiGate unit using an account which has been assigned a super_admin profile. Which of the following operations can this administrator perform?
A. They can delete logged-in users who are also assigned the super_admin access profile.
B. They can make changes to the super_admin profile.
C. They can delete the admin account if the default admin user is not logged in.
D. They can view all the system configuration settings but can not make changes.
E. They can access configuration options for only the VDOMs to which they have been assigned.