PassLeader just published the NEWEST Fortinet NSE7_SAC-6.2 exam dumps! And, PassLeader offer two types of the NSE7_SAC-6.2 dumps — NSE7_SAC-6.2 VCE dumps and NSE7_SAC-6.2 PDF dumps, both VCE and PDF contain the NEWEST NSE7_SAC-6.2 exam questions, they will help you PASSING the Fortinet NSE7_SAC-6.2 exam easily! Now, get the NEWEST NSE7_SAC-6.2 dumps in VCE and PDF from PassLeader — (30 Q&As Dumps)
What’s more, part of that PassLeader NSE7_SAC-6.2 dumps now are free —
What action does FortiSwitch take when it receives a loop guard data packet (LGDP) that was sent by itself?
A. The receiving port is shut down.
B. The sending port is shut down.
C. The receiving port is moved to the STP blocking state.
D. The sending port is moved to the STP blocking state.